Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have about 2 weeks left until I run the Navy Nautical Mile race, which is 11.5 miles. That will be the longest distance I have ever run..I was so nervous about signing up and committing myself to that long of a race! I have been training for it for the last month. I don't have as much time as I would like to have but I'm able to dedicate 1-2 days a week to running and one of those days has been distance. I started about 4 weeks ago at 6 miles, then Rogresed for 2 weeks to 7.5 miles and this past weekend I did 9.5 miles It took me 2 hrs and 35 minutes and I burned 1800 calories (thanks bodybugg for keeping track!). The course I'm training on is pretty much all Jill's and is gravel so it's definitely a trail run. 9.5 miles wiped me out....it was hard and I wanted to do 10 but I couldnt drag myself the last 1/2 a mile! I had my daughter pick me up in the golf cart! I am doing the zoom through the zoo on Thursday night, which is 4 miles, then I will do some running this weekend....but I don't think it wil be 10 miles.....sometimes my personal life gets in the way!!!! Lol I'm currently at a 69 pound loss! Looking forward to the next 50!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Keep Runnin...Runnin and Runnin!

Was a gorgeous cool, rainy day here in Olive Branch today. It was a fantastic day for a run! Today was the Olive Branch MayFest 5K run. I was ready to redeem myself. The last few races have not improved my time! So today I was determined to give my all and push harder than I have before. The funny thing about pushing yourself....I seem to never think I gave my all. I always think back and say maybe I could have ran more in that stretch or maybe I could have done better on the hills. But I think that's just normal! I think I will always want to improve...that's how we grow and conquer more goals and dreams. Today was a great day! My best 5k time so far has been 42:27 and today I did it! (insert drum roll)....my time was 39:23! That's 3 minutes and 4 second improvement! I guess the last few weeks of running distances has really helped me! I am so excited! Its not a time that will win me any awards but it's a major accomplishment for me!! I don't really have any time goals in mind...but I'd like to at some point be able to do a 5k in 36 minutes. If it takes me 2 years to do that...then I will be jumping up and down at the finish line!!!! I have 2 weeks left until we run the Navy 10 Nautical Mile race in Millington, TN. I'm going to do some more distance training over the next few weeks. I really hope it rains it's butt off that day....snow in June? Maybe that's a reach!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wash that April right outta my hair!!!

April was a difficult month! I lost both my dad and my grandmother in April this year. Both of their deaths were difficult and happened just a few days apart. Needless to say I wasn't on track or as focused for a few weeks....but I still managed to get my work outs in....eat right most days nd even participated in a few 5k races. I don't intend this blog post to be a remanifistation of my feelings....I'll just say it was the hardest things I have ever been through/ am going through and I am working everyday to sty focused and begin moving on. WARRIOR DASH!!!! I had the warrior dash race in Jackson, MS planned for nearly 6 months with 2 friends and my son. We went! We had a blast going through the obstacles, running and falling in mud (even if that last part was only me)!!!! It was a pretty chilly day....but running the race.....made even that cold frigid water feel great!!!! Byhalia 5k This past Saturday me and a lot of my boot camp pals ran in the Byhalia, ms 5k and it was fun.....errrrrrr ......being honest it was HOT and HILLY!!!! But I placed 18th. Lol out of about 50. My time was 45. Remember I'm not a runner.....I'm a finisher!!!!! Today my friend tonya and my daughter Briley (7) went to the Shelby farms Green Line trail and ran/walked about 7.5 miles. We are preparing for the Navy, 10 Nautical mile race (11.5 land miles) that's to be held on the sweltering, June 3rd! I hope I can finish in under 4 hours! It will be hard and very hot!!! We are praying for the rain god to shower us that day! We want a torrential down pour!!!! ....well I do! Zoom Through The Zoo Two friends and I are running in the local zoo 4 mile run on the 24 th of this month....i That should be fun....I'm looking forward to that! Planning: Green Mile 1/2 and St.Jude 1/2 Still doing the bootcamp everyday...but planning to try and work in a mile or 2 run before work a few days per week.....just need to increase my calorie burn. In the last month I have lost about 7-8 pds..... Onside ring the month of April....I'll take it! Watch out May....I have a biggest loser contest to win! Hey.....for a non runner I sure am doing a lot of races! Till next time....aim at your goals, take action and just get up and move! Happy early Mothers Day!