Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

I don't think I was a very good "date" tonight for Valentines.  I came home hot, sweaty and determined to complete a few craft projects that were lingering all across the bar and dinning room table! Nonetheless, my husband (whom should get some kind of award) did good yet again!

He didn't get my chocolates or GiGi's cupcakes (my weakness) or even that darn peanut butter fudge that I love so much, rather he made a scrumptious dinner for the family. To be honest its totally scrumptious every night, but tonight it was rather tasty!

The dinner was very "romantic" as we had all of my crafts hanging from the light fixture, dimming the light (LOL). All of my crafts had ribbons hanging and Keaton and Billy looked pretty funny eating amongst all that girly stuff!

(I made tissue paper pom-poms, with ribbons hanging all decorated for Briley's 7th birthday party scheduled for this weekend)

We had steak, squash and shrimp (shrimp and steaks were grilled).

After dinner was the real treat when I was able to veg out on Facebook for about 30 minutes before I decided, I had all I could stand... and was in the bed by 8:30.

......I totally forgot to give Billy his ubber mushy Taylor Swift Valentines Day card....

..I didn't even sign it.

Well I guess we get a post Valentines Day celebration today!!