Friday, January 27, 2012


While I've only lost about 29 pounds, it feels like 100! I can't imagine how I will feel once I have actually lost the 100!

I remember when I started boot camp in September I could not run, couldnt do much anything without being very winded. Even the strength training was winding me like it was cardio.

I remember running on the treadmill and the fastest I could go eas around 5 mp and I was running! I could only run for a few seconds before I would back it back down to around 3...

At one time in my life I was a runner. I ran track for a while in school and then I spent a lot of time running in my free time as a hobby....(sick I know)

I still don't know where I lost myself....maybe I lost my tennis shoes?

In the last month or so I have really been focusing on running I feel myself getting stronger with every stride I take. I sometimes imagine Jillian from Biggest Loser screaming at me "let go of the treadmill" or "hit it harder"....(for the record I don't hold the treadmill when I'm running :).

Last night i ran better and faster than I have in a long time. I was feeling so strong!

We were doing circuits last night, so we were on machines spending 1 minute per machine. I was giving everything I had....but secretly I was so looking forward to getting back on the TREADMILL! So I made it to the treadmill 5 times (only because I jumped ahead on my 5th time lol) I ran at 10 and 10.5 mph for a full minute! And I know I could have done it for 2 minutes!!!!!

This coming week I'm going to spend some extra time in the gym running to see what I can do!

bTW.....running outside is so much harder than running on the treadmill!!!

I'm going to run in the park this weekend too.


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